Getting to know Stafford High School’s newest AP

Mrs. Brittany Bauccio is the newest member of the SHS administration team. Photo by Tanaia Traynham / Staff

The concept of ‘Mind over Matter’ is the belief that if your willpower is strong enough, you can persevere through any adversity. Brittany Bauccio used this philosophy to endure the responsibility of being a teacher, managing summer school and being pregnant simultaneously. Bauccio has spent over a decade in education, but now calls Stafford High School her home as she becomes our newest assistant principal.

Prior to working at SHS, Bauccio worked at Forest Park High School as an English teacher. In her time at FPHS, she built strong bonds with her students and co-teacher, with whom she had become ‘best friends’ with. “Although her students were “super excited” for her, they were still very sad that she’d be leaving. In the days following her announcement, Bauccio’s students regularly visited her classroom to hug her, cry with her, and deliver handwritten cards. Many of these cards now hang on Bauccio’s office walls.

Before becoming an educator, Bauccio worked in public relations. During her five-year PR career, she worked for Edelman’s – the largest PR firm in the world. Despite getting the opportunity to represent high-profile clients like Starbucks and Dove Soap, Bauccio realized that the reality of public relations was “sitting in a cubicle” rather than being able to connect with other people.

After realizing public relations wasn’t what she imagined, Bauccio became interested in teaching. “It was obvious – my whole life, everybody was like ‘You’re gonna be a teacher!’” She had previous experience teaching religious and summer school, as well as being a YMCA camp counselor, which she described as her “happiest summer” prior to becoming an educator.

In her free time, Bauccio likes to spend time outside with her sons Asher, 1, and Jayden, 10, along with their 80-pound family dog, Bruce. “We’re all super, super active – even the youngest!” Bauccio exclaimed. During their daily runs, Bauccio’s youngest son Asher has a tendency to “show off” by getting out of his stroller to sprint ahead of the family. Asher’s birth on July 31, 2021 marked the end of Bauccio’s time as a summer school principal, which was her first role as a school administrator and the first stepping stone to her current role at SHS.

“I hope that by the end of the year, that all the teachers in the building know me and that they know I can help them solve problems. And I would hope that I start to know all the students and that all the students know me and feel comfortable coming to me,” Bauccio explained. Her office is room B101, which is located near the bus ramp.


Ms. Bauccio stands outside on bus duty. (photo by Tanaia Traynham)